MINUTES FOR March 30, 2017

The meeting was called to order by Commander Dan Mitchell at 1907 hrs at the American Legion Hall, Comanche, OK. Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag recited. Invocation was given by Chaplain Butch Swanson.

Attendance. Officers: Dan Mitchell, Commander, Johnny Seely, Vice Commander, Danny Johnson, Armorer, Garry McCain, Secretary/Treasurer; Members: Roy Grabman, John Williams, Gary Stinson, Chuck Standridge, George Parker, Butch Swanson, Kathryn Cripps, and Ken Youngblood. Quorum achieved: 4 officers, 8 members, 12 Total. Auxiliaries: Pat Johnson, and Cheryl Swanson. Guest: Steve Condit.

New member presented:

Steve Condit US Army. Motion to accept by George Parker , second by Kathryn Cripps. Motion carried.

Minutes from February 2017 meetings were accepted. Financial reports from February and March were accepted.

Report of Officers:

Armorer’s Report: Danny will be rotating the rifles in April. The challenge coins have arrived and are in storage. New flag poles are in service now.

Vice Commander’s Report: No report

Secretary/Treasurer’s Report: Finally getting all of the paperwork in order. Financial records are in order.

Commander’s Report:



Old Business:

New Business:

Good and Welfare

Benediction and Adjournment: Chaplain Butch offered the benediction. Ken Youngblood motioned to adjourn the meeting; Johnny Seeley seconded. Vote was unanimous. Meeting was adjourned at 2106 hrs.

Respectfully submitted,

Garry McCain
