MINUTES FOR March 30, 2017
The meeting was called to order by Commander Dan Mitchell at 1907 hrs at the American Legion Hall, Comanche, OK. Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag recited. Invocation was given by Chaplain Butch Swanson.
Attendance. Officers: Dan Mitchell, Commander, Johnny Seely, Vice Commander, Danny Johnson, Armorer, Garry McCain, Secretary/Treasurer; Members: Roy Grabman, John Williams, Gary Stinson, Chuck Standridge, George Parker, Butch Swanson, Kathryn Cripps, and Ken Youngblood. Quorum achieved: 4 officers, 8 members, 12 Total. Auxiliaries: Pat Johnson, and Cheryl Swanson. Guest: Steve Condit.
New member presented:
Steve Condit US Army. Motion to accept by George Parker , second by Kathryn Cripps. Motion carried.
Minutes from February 2017 meetings were accepted. Financial reports from February and March were accepted.
Report of Officers:
Armorer’s Report: Danny will be rotating the rifles in April. The challenge coins have arrived and are in storage. New flag poles are in service now.
Vice Commander’s Report: No report
Secretary/Treasurer’s Report: Finally getting all of the paperwork in order. Financial records are in order.
Commander’s Report:
Cotton Electric Charitable Foundation presented a check in the amount of $2000 to SCHG.
Comanche sent $50 donation.
Commander Mitchell gave a personal “Thank You” to Kathryn Cripps for her service as Secretary/Treasurer.
Old Business:
Southern Box can provide 9 1/2” X 11” plaques of appreciation for $80 each.
Raffle committee members gave a report on status. Guns have been paid for at Firearms Solutions and we have redemption certificates that will be provided to the winners. Firearms Solutions also donated a one year subscription to their firing range to each winner.
Several opportunities for service were discussed. Marlow Car Show, Marlow July 4th Celebration, Lawton Rodeo, Rush Springs Watermelon Festival.
George Parker presented a list of proposed changes to By-Laws. Each item was discussed and the following were accepted to bring before the membership at the April meeting for a vote:
Article II page 1-remove (#1) after the word mission.
Article III page 2 line 1 - change word and to any
Article V page 4 3rd paragraph 5th sentence - change word and to any
Article VII page 6 1st paragraph 7th sentence – change the word nest to next
New Business:
Secretary Garry McCain gave an update on steps needed to re-apply to IRS for tax exempt status for SCHG. This is being worked on.
Secretary also asked for permission to digitize past SCHG records and store them on electric media so that paper records can be stored offsite. (at the armory) Motion made by Roy Grabman, second by Danny Johnson to allow the digitizing of SCHG records and off-site storage of physical records. Motion Passed.
Good and Welfare
Keep our members and their loved ones in our prayers, especially:
Rick Duncan’s mother has had a stroke.
Gary Stinson let the membership that the current Commander of the Duncan VFW post, Daniel Leal, will be having major back surgery next week. Asked that we pray for him and a successful surgery.
Next regular meeting is April 27, 2017.
Benediction and Adjournment: Chaplain Butch offered the benediction. Ken Youngblood motioned to adjourn the meeting; Johnny Seeley seconded. Vote was unanimous. Meeting was adjourned at 2106 hrs.
Respectfully submitted,
Garry McCain